Rape Crisis Helderberg is a non-profit organisation committed to helping survivors of rape and abuse overcome their trauma through caring counselling in the Helderberg Basin and surroundings. The Crisis Centre offers these services free of charge and for individuals 18 years and above.

We offer free Counselling to past and present survivors of Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Rape, Incest and GBV ER Number: 083 484 9409
Please reach out on WhatsApp to ask for help, advice, guidance or any other queries on 083 484 9409

Our Beginning, Our Journey and the Present
Our crisis centre which is to this day unique in the Western Cape of South Africa was conceived by the police, Rape Crisis, the community and the local government hospital and was born on the 14th of August 1993 (before this counsellors saw victims in the casualty of the hospital). Our crisis centre is based next to the local government hospital and is well supported by the hospital. An excellent working relationship between Rape Crisis Helderberg, the Superintendent of the hospital and the hospital staff continue to be the recipe for success. We are often approached by other hospitals, government officials and other rape crisis centres for help in modelling their programs after our successful model (including Karl Bremmer Hospital, Delft Hospital, Worcester Hospital and Thuthuzela Hospital, Rape Crisis Cape Town and various people from the Department of Health).We are proud to be leaders in this field. specialized experience working with rape and abuse victims. Reinette Evans has also sought out the best methods used to treat survivors of rape, childhood incest and abuse. As a result, we offer a very specialized treatment service to the survivors we help.
We are one of the few communities in South Africa fortunate enough to have a crisis centre that can help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with every aspect of recovery from sexual violence. Our services are specific to problems that victims face and include: immediate 24-hour rape crisis intervention (365 days a year) and support through the first few hours of police, doctor’s examination, medicines and trauma.
Whether or not the person reports the incident to the police the following are available immediately: information and answers to questions, medical tests for HIV and pregnancy, medication to prevent HIV and pregnancy. All follow-up tests and medication for STD's if needed. Help, advice and on-going support if survivors discover they are pregnant, infected with HIV or have contracted an STD. Practical assistance is provided in the form of toiletries and fresh clothing and panties following a rape. Tea, coffee or juice and food is also provided. Often victims have not eaten for a long time and are very hungry when we see them.
The survivors range from elderly women raped in their own homes to men gang raped during hijackings to rapes in surrounding townships and to ordinary housewives. Unfortunately rape can and does happen to people from all neighbourhoods in our community. Rape is an act of violence and control. After a sexual assault various counselling options are available, these include: face-to-face counselling services to survivors and their families at our main crisis centre. Assistance is given with obtaining interdicts and with court procedures where necessary. This often includes accompanying people to court and providing on-going support and advice.
In South Africa unfortunately we are one of the only places offering a program and support group for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. These survivors have to work through numerous social maladjustments arising from childhood sexual abuse. Alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, promiscuity, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, migraines, back or stomach pains are just a few of the physical consequences that victims suffer.
Emotional problems emerging may include inability to trust, perfectionism, phobias, avoidance of both intimacy and emotional bonding. There are 34 known problems that adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse can suffer from. Most of these survivors suffer from at least 20 of these problems. Counselling these victims is a long and difficult process. It takes tremendous strength for a victim to put him/herself in a position to feel the pain. There are real reasons for these unrelenting difficulties - in fact; these "problems" are actually desperate attempts to cope with the impossible pain.
This is not work for the faint hearted – it is long-term dedication, perseverance and love that bring about the beautiful success stories we are privileged to witness. The work that we do is often long hours at night and on week-ends. It is working on holidays and Christmas. Thanks to these kind volunteers, we are able to offer this help all year round.
Our work is a "faceless" work. Almost without exception survivors want to remain anonymous.
What is less obvious is who is a survivor and who is simply a member of the community getting involved. Those of us who do crisis intervention and counselling know most of the stories, but to an outside observer – no-one knows who is who. That is essential and one of the reasons our organization works so well. We provide the “family” that they didn’t have and the friendship they didn’t have and they get involved or visit or find a counsellor to chat to without any stigma attached.
All our programs aim to prevent re-victimisation and empower survivors to break the cycle of violence so that they can once again become healthy, whole, functional people in the community.
People often ask us if this work isn't too depressing.
The answer is yes, the stories are sad and it is terrible that these things happen. But it would be much, much worse if the terrible things that happen had to stay terrible. The reason this work is not depressing is that each day we change the lives of people who thought there was no solution to their pain. We have the solution to their pain and that is exciting. Seeing people transform from broken, depressed, hopeless victims who are struggling to face each day, into empowered, happy, whole people again is beautiful.
These problems are real and daily. Our voice in the community is necessary to help victims to be heard and receive support – to carry those who are too shattered to carry themselves until they can regain their strength and hope. We are committed to help break the silence and start putting back the pieces in shattered lives.
To our donors, community, friends and family, please help us continually to stand on solid ground…….